Look into your own past, as near or far as you'd like as long as it's not the present, and think of something bad that happened. Before you get too caught up, sad, or depressed, fill in the blanks.,..
When ____________ happened it was a horrible time. In the days right after ____________ it seemed like things would never get better. It was (painful, sad, terrifying) and seemed like I could not survive. But the time between today and ____________ grew longer. While the memory of ____________ is still bad, I think about it ( a little less, a lot less, hardly ever), and it's better than it was when it happened. I have seen God work in my life since ____________. Some things have improved, some have not, but I have survived this far, and if I don't look back as much, it's easier to know I'll keep surviving. And when I get really honest with myself, I know how (I'm making, I made) it through ____________ -
It's best summed up in Psalm 46:1-3:
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling."
When ____________ happened, it was earth shattering, but the earth didn't really shatter. No matter how bad ____________ seemed, God (is, was) still my refuge.
Even if you happened to pick an earthquake as your bad thing - you're reading this, so you still get the point, right? So what to do with this now?
Look into your own present. What thing or things seem insurmountable? What are the "what if's", the doubts, the fears that are holding you back, keeping you from doing what you know should be done? Put them in the blank and pretend it's tommorow. Even better, pretend it's five minutes from now. I know it sounds easier said then done. I know you are saying there is no way to live without fear and doubt. But I'll tell you what makes it possible to live that way more often than not - It's also from Psalm 46, verse 10 this time: “Be still, and know that I am God." Go ahead, get quiet, then do what is before you to do and don't worry.
We are in this together and God is still our refuge and strength... therefore we will not fear.
“Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”