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Slip Slidin' Away

Mike "Mutt" Rieck

And that's how it happens.... The backslide, the slip, the lag, the laziness. Go back to this blog in January and you'll read about the tremendous merits of daily time with God and what a great foundation your own spiritual life is for being a parent, and the spiritual leader of your house.

But I woke up the other day thinking "when did it happen?" Somewhere in the past weeks (or months) I slipped out of my daily prayer routine. How does it happen? Gradually. A change in routine; a new season; a schedule shift for you or a family member; finishing a daily devotional book without a replacement handy. - Any number of changes, small or large, and you might find yourself missing that daily time of renewal and relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Fortunately, but not perfectly, I've maintained reading a little scripture daily - usually a chapter, sometimes just a verse or passage. Unlike other slides, I've stayed pretty good at minding 1 Thes. 5:17 - "Pray continually". It has not been a huge slack - I've kept relying on God, trusting Him for things that aren't perfect - the big doubts and despairs have not crept in.... YET.

But I know they will if I don't snap back soon, so I'd better snap back now. There is nothing like dedicated, committed, and most importantly daily solitude with God. To set aside time to talk, and listen, to Him is one of the best uses of our time. But sooooo often it does not land as a priority for us. The old phrase is true - it's usually not that we don't "have" time, but that we don't "make" time. I'll say we all have a choice in how we spend our time and you'll offer a myriad of excuses about schedules you can't control, but if we're honest with ourselves, we can do it.

I tend to talk, think, and share about this topic often - and in the past 8-10 months I've become even more passionate about it. I may repeat myself, but it's because I (and maybe you?) need to hear it often to climb back up that slide. So here's another suggestion you've probably heard before - get someone to hold you accountable. To ask you once a week how many days out of the last seven have you made time communicating with God a priority. Not a shot here and there or a simple read, but a conversation, an investment in the relationship.

And remember, If I'm asking you the question, I'm also asking myself. Let's start together with seven in a row.

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