"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
Galatians 2:20 NIV
“The Christian Life is not about you doing this for Jesus it's about Jesus doing it in and through you.” J.D. Greear
Your focus on Jesus may be a bit heightened these days as we do church a few extra times and talk of the first Christmas pointing towards the reason God came to earth as man: His death and resurrection to save us.
It also may be a time you feel some extra guilt… things done or not done, words spoken or not spoken.
Remind yourself and your family of those words from Galatians 2. In God's eyes your past is meaningless. You start each day, each hour, each moment fresh with God because by grace through faith He sees Jesus saving works, not our sinful ones.
Trust God. The pressure to get it right is not on you, He already got it right. Your response is to live for Him, remember His love and forgiveness when you fail, and move on like it didn't happen, because to Him it didn't.
Practical ways to apply these ideas:
Write down the first 2-3 things you usually feel guilty about - say your sorry and tear it up, burn it, etc. Repeat daily as needed :-)
Grab some silent time each day to ask God to help you "live by Faith". Doesn’t have to be a big production - if you can't take 30 minutes before you leave the house, take thirty seconds before you start the car. GOD WILL SPEAK in whatever time you're listening.
Be honest with your family and friends. God can work in them to help you see Him work in you (which will also help them, and so on, we’re in this together)
Stop thinking your efforts can save you and remember God already has.
Keep in mind living by Faith does not mean a trouble free life. But it does mean God is with you in the problem. If you're feeling down, tell God and someone else about it. (If you can’t reach someone close to you, email me.)